Together with colleague Théodore Simon, in 1905, the psychologists devised the Binet-Simon test, which focused on verbal abilities and was designed to gauge ‘mental retardation’ among school children. People have always been aware that some are better at mental tasks than others, but it wasn’t until a French psychologist by the name of Alfred Binet that a qualitative lens was cast on the diversity of human intelligence. Some of the things that an IQ test will typically measure is short-term and long-term memory, how well a person can solve puzzles, and how quickly.
Modern IQ tests measure a person’s ability to reason and use information to solve problems through questions and puzzles. Instead, IQ scores are always relative to the median score (typically 100) that reflects the general intelligence of the population.

However, Aan IQ test does not measure intelligence in the same way a ruler might measure the height of a person. IQ stands for ‘Intelligence Quotient’ and is a numerical score based on standardized tests which attempt to measure general intelligence.